What I've been up to

Ramblings and teachings on topics of interest to me.

Leetcode - 819. Most Common Word

Algorithms, Arrays, Strings

Wow it’s been a while sonce I wrote anything here. I have been doing a lot of functional reactive programming at work and have been wondering how I can apply these new concepts to Leetcode problems. Here is my attempt at finding the most common word from a paragraph that is NOT in the list of banned words.

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Leetcode - 11. Container With Most Water

Algorithms, Array

Think of the numbers in the array representing a height. Now, you can create an imaginary box by selecting any two numbers in the array. The max height of water that this imaginary box can hold is the minimuj of the two numbers. So what is the area of the water that can be held?

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Building a TabBarView with SwiftUI

Open Source, Swift

In my last post I talked about how and why I used Google Sheets as the backend and database for the Aspire Budget apps. When I wrote that post, I had just launched version 1.0 of the app which has received some great response. However, if you did download the app, you would notice that the user interface of the app is really not appealing.

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